Jiddisch-Hebreeuwse letternamen in het Nederlands en het Bargoens

Hans den Besten


This article is a sequel to an earlier study on the phonology and semi-morphology of Yiddish Hebraisms in Dutch and Bargoens (Dutch slang) and concerns the use of the Yiddish names of the Hebrew characters as numerals and as a means to create abbreviated words and toponyms. Both usages are completely dependent upon similar practices in Yiddish. As is the case in Post-Yiddish German the system of character numerals breaks off after the fifteenth character and continues with Hebrew numerals. The abbreviations presuppose knowledge of the Yiddish spelling system as well as knowledge of Hebrew.

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© Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde | ISSN (print): 0040-7550 | eISSN (online): 2212-0521