Over de geschiedenis van dit tijdschrift verscheen in 2000 een bijdrage door Wim van Anrooij en Els Ruijsendaal: 'Honderdvijftien delen Tijdschrift voor Nederlands(ch)e taal- en letterkunde (1881-1999)', TNTL 116:4 (2000), 297-367. Een digitale scan van dit artikel is hier vrijelijk beschikbaar in pdf-formaat. Hieronder vindt u een Engelstalige samenvatting.
Abstract - The Tijdschrift voor Nederlands(ch)e taal- en letterkunde started in 1881 under the auspices of the Maatschappij der Nederlands(ch)e Letterkunde (Leiden), thanks to the initiative of P.J. Cosijn. The early period of this journal was marked by a strong cohesion between language and literature. In the course of the twentieth century, however, this internal unity was gradually crumbling away. The study of linguistics moved further away from the field of Germanic Studies, was divided into several subdisciplines and became influenced by international theoretical trends, such as structuralism and tranformational generative grammar. After the Second World War, the study of literature, in its turn, became increasingly marked by a historical approach, while distancing itself from theoretical discussions. The field of Germanic Studies served as its main source of inspiration. In spite of all these developments, the journal is holding on to its original course: to provide its readers with detailed studies of older Dutch language and literature, with emphasis on the Middle Ages and the seventeenth century (the Dutch 'Golden Age'), paying special attention to medieval manuscripts.
© Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde | ISSN (print): 0040-7550 | eISSN (online): 2212-0521