Gosro, Saadi en soefisme als cultuurtekst. Een intertekstuele lectuur van Portretten en een oude droom van Kader Abdolah

Ewa Dynarowicz


This article presents an intertextual reading of Kader Abdolah’s novel Portretten en een oude droom [Portraits and an old dream]. Using the model of intertextual analysis proposed by the Dutch academic, Maaike Meijer (1996), I will focus here on three levels of intertextuality: firstly, intertextual links with traceable literary texts; secondly, the influence of the genre-specific conventions on which the new text is modelled; and finally, the entanglement of the text with cultural scenario’s – common meanings, prevailing conventions of representation, culturally rooted ways of thinking – the source of which cannot be traced back. I will try to answer the question what functions the various intertexts serve in Abdolah’s novel and which new interpretative possibilities they carry along.

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