De kloof overbruggen tussen een strikt onderwijstaalbeleid en een taaldiverse klaspraktijk. Strategieën van Vlaamse leraren en leerlingen

Steven Delarue, Inge van Lancker


By comparing the interview data of two research projects, this paper analyses how Flemish teachers and pupils handle the field of tension between the Flemish language-in-education policy, propagating Standard Dutch, and the linguistically diverse classroom practice. The language discourses of both teachers and pupils seem to be strongly congruent, with similar attempts or ‘strategies’ to legitimise their (non-standard) language use. In this paper, the three most prominent ‘strategies’ are presented: pupils and teachers do not use Standard Dutch (i) because it hinders the spontaneity of classroom interaction, (ii) because proper teaching outweighs proper language use, and (iii) because the more important issue is that no dialect is used in school contexts.

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© Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde | ISSN (print): 0040-7550 | eISSN (online): 2212-0521